
Fictionista, Foodie, Feline-lover

Monday, March 27, 2017

there's an intriguing idea here

In the wake of the presidential election, I've been reading a lot more political-themed fiction and non-ficiton. This book seems to be a fusion of the two and the premise is provocative. The Last Bastion of Civilization: Japan 2041 sets out a scenario for a different kind of future. I'd really like to believe there is a civilized future out there. Here's the blurb and a testimonial:

Brexit, Trump, Le Pen: Where Are We Heading?

If you’re a contrarian, or simply wish to imagine a radically different future, The Last Bastion of Civilization will challenge your current world-view.
Written as a series of letters and short essays, each of the 18 chapters attacks a present-day assumption with a counter-punch argument of its own.
Sometimes controversial, always challenging, it’s a future to consider given today’s world affairs.

“Blencowe’s writing is fast-paced and easily readable. The structure of the book is unusual, in that it's not a novel, though not quite non-fiction. I can best categorize it as fictional journalism, or perhaps an imaginary opinion piece. He expresses himself clearly and his intentions and message are never in doubt.”  —Andrew Henry

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